The best definition of fitness relates to being in good health. Physical fitness is a condition of well-being and health and, more importantly, the capacity to do basic parts of daily activities, jobs, sports and other activities without being hampered by minor or major disabilities. Physical fitness is usually achieved through regular exercise, proper nutrition and adequate rest.
Muscles are not elastic like tissues, so, with the passage of time, they tend to become weaker. However, fitness workouts and exercises make muscles stronger and more flexible. Stronger muscles are capable of supporting your body weight and, at the same time, these muscles are also capable of enduring longer periods of inactivity. Muscles gain strength and fibers grow to accommodate weight gain.
Fitness involves skill-related areas like muscular endurance and strength. The muscle force necessary for moving a certain distance (push-ups, sit-ups, etc.) depends on both the level of skill and strength acquired through fitness workouts.
There are many ways to measure fitness. One common way is through the treadmill test. This involves placing a tape measure at various locations (chest, waist, and arms) and repeatedly running to the desired distance while counting the seconds it takes to cover that distance. Another common way to measure fitness levels is through heart rate monitors (which can be found in almost every gym) which allow you to measure your pulse rate and provide alerts when it begins to rise. The third type of fitness goal is to develop good habits that lead to improved health and longevity. Good habits include maintaining a healthy weight (which lowers blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health), eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise.
A common misconception regarding physical activity is that it only needs to be done once a week or even less frequently. This misconception may have been started by poorly-designed studies showing that just a little physical activity (like brisk walking) could help improve health and reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD). For people with chronic physical illness or who are severely overweight, regular exercise is important to maintain health and quality of life. Ongoing exercise helps people live longer and boost their fitness level.
Lack of physical fitness has also been associated with poor mental health, especially in individuals who already have mental challenges such as depression and anxiety. A healthy lifestyle can help individuals live healthier lives and ward off the effects of these diseases on their body and mind. Physical activity promotes the building of a “burner” body that requires less energy than older, heavier people. Daily tasks become more enjoyable, and the individual feels more capable and in control of his or her daily tasks.