Navigating the World of Dietary Supplements

Navigating the World of Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements are an expanding market and range from multivitamins and herbal/mushroom extracts, through capsules, gel gummies, powder drinks or chews to gum products.

Separating fact from fiction can be challenging, so individuals should consult with healthcare providers and read labels closely in order to ensure they’re taking quality supplements.


Menopause occurs when women no longer experience periods, as their ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone than before (permenopause). Unfortunately, symptoms often accompany this natural event (perimenopause).

Hot flashes, or sudden short-term episodes of intense heat that occur suddenly and fleetingly, are one of the hallmark symptoms of menopausal transition. Caused by declining estrogen levels, they may cause irritation, anxiety and mood shifts; other symptoms include vaginal dryness and reduced sexual desire.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may help ease these symptoms. There are various forms of HRT available, including creams, pills and patches; consult your physician about which one may best suit you. Being physically active, eating healthfully and practicing stress reduction techniques may also be effective ways of relieving menopausal symptoms; recent research indicates that women who take hormones like estrogen have lower risks of cardiovascular disease than those who don’t use HRT.

Hormone Balance

Hormone levels fluctuate and even small imbalances may be enough to cause irritation and even pain, yet can often indicate more serious conditions like osteoporosis and cancer. Luckily, natural therapies exist which may help alleviate some of these symptoms.

One of the easiest and most natural ways to balance hormones is through diet and sleep. Aiming for at least seven to nine hours each night helps manage stress hormones while building energy and supporting immune function.

Avoiding sugar, processed food and eating an ample supply of proteins, fruits vegetables and healthy fats will help your body’s hormonal system. Other essential lifestyle adjustments include managing stress levels and exercising regularly. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy – using hormones produced naturally within our bodies but which are chemically identical – may also provide women experiencing hormonal imbalance with relief as it addresses both root causes of symptoms rather than simply masking symptoms with pharmaceutical medication.

Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular health encompasses any condition affecting the heart and blood vessels. While some cardiovascular conditions are hereditary, most can be prevented through lifestyle choices like eliminating risk factors like smoking and tobacco use, diet, physical inactivity, harmful alcohol consumption, high blood pressure or diabetes. Furthermore, medication and counselling can help manage cardiovascular diseases once diagnosed, while health policies which make healthy choices affordable and accessible can ease their impact.

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